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Never Forgotten

The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him. Genesis 40:23

Today’s verse is short, but it packs an emotional punch. By the time we reach the end of Genesis 40, Joseph, Jacob’s favorite son who had received God’s promise through many dreams, has already been in prison for years. He didn’t commit the crime for which he was incarcerated and although God had granted him favor with the prison guard, he surely longed for his freedom. How awful it must have felt to hope for that freedom after helping the chief cupbearer, only to gradually realize he’d been forgotten. Have you ever felt God has forgotten you, as Joseph did? Most Christians can name at least one experience where they felt forgotten. Although the circumstances may be different, the feeling and struggle is not. Being forgotten makes you feel empty, unwanted and alone. You might wonder if God has abandoned you, too busy dealing with wars, world hunger and terrible diseases to concern Himself with your problems. While it’s human to wonder about this and to feel forgotten, God doesn’t forget any of His children for an instant. Many Bible passages talk about God remembering someone, but in that context, remembering means choosing the exactly right time to act. It doesn’t mean God suddenly recalls someone He pushed to the back of His mind while taking care of someone else. If you feel forgotten today, ask God to remember you. Tell Him you feel alone and ask Him to be with you in a new way, one you can experience in the depths of your soul. Even if He doesn’t change things right away, He will be with you and will remember you. Like Joseph, your trial will end and you will triumph.

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