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Naomi's Bitterness

“Don’t call me Naomi,” she told them. “Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter.” Ruth 1:20

When most Christians read the story of Ruth, they focus on the titular character. They glean important lessons, such as how to show unconditional kindness or how to wait patiently for the partner God has for them. However, most Christians glance over Naomi’s role in the story, especially the first chapter of Ruth. As today’s verse says, Naomi was bitter when she returned to Bethlehem from Moab. She had plenty of reasons to be. Her husband and sons had died, leaving no one to provide for her. As a widow, she was impoverished and would be considered one of the lowest members of ancient society. Her only company was a foreign daughter-in-law who worshipped different gods and did not know Israel’s customs. Naomi had also had a physically difficult journey. To reflect how she felt, Naomi changed her name from a word meaning pleasant to one meaning bitter. We aren’t sure how long she stayed bitter, but can infer it took her a while to feel like Naomi again. Have you ever known a bitter person like Naomi? Have you ever been that person? Christians are not exempt. Bitterness can creep into our souls before we know it’s there. In fact, Christians may be more vulnerable to bitterness, because we are supposed to have joy, love and peace as evidence of Jesus in our lives. That’s why it’s so important to recognize and deal with bitterness when we see it. When you feel bitterness creeping in, identify its source. Find a safe place to express your feelings, through prayer or to a godly friend or family member. Ask God to hold you and to replace your bitterness with joy.

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