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Miriam the Prophetess

Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand and all the women followed her with timbrels and dancing.

Exodus 15:26

When most people think of Miriam, they think of the young girl who helped save her baby brother Moses, keeping watch over his basket as it floated down the Nile. They may also think of her as the one who brought Moses’ biological mother to Pharaoh’s daughter as a nurse for Moses. Not many people know she was Israel’s first prophetess.

As a prophetess, Miriam would have enjoyed a deep and intimate relationship with God. Some Bible scholars and writers of biblical fiction suggest God showed Miriam dreams and visions. Some of these may have been of the 10 plagues unleashed on Egypt before the exodus. Whatever her function as a prophetess, Miriam was considered a leader in Israel. Here, she leads the women in celebration of the Hebrews’ new freedom, singing and dancing to the Lord.

Miriam’s story and place in Israel is significant for today’s Christians, especially women. Your church and denomination may have different views on how and when women can lead. However, nothing in the Bible suggests God never wants women to be leaders. He has called on them for centuries, and they have gladly fulfilled their duties to Him. Miriam is only one such woman. Others such as Deborah and Esther are other popular examples.

If you are a woman who feels called to a leadership role, you might experience anxiety and uncertainty. If you are a man, and a woman in your life has expressed leadership potential, you may feel uncertain as well. Let Miriam’s story quiet your anxiety and uncertainty. Pray about what your leadership role should be and how you should enact it. Finally, never be afraid to praise the Lord for His gift to you.

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