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Memorial Day

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”

Judges 6:12

Gideon probably didn’t feel like a mighty warrior when the angel of the Lord appeared and told him he was going to lead Israel in defeating the Midianites. Today, we don’t face Midianites, but enemies are still present at home and abroad. As the Israelites relied on Gideon and his men, we rely on our troops to keep us safe from those enemies. Countless numbers of them have died protecting us, and we celebrate their lives this month.

Today, many of our veterans are expected to be mighty warriors, but it’s likely they don’t feel that way all the time. Statistics tell us thousands, perhaps millions, of veterans deal with post traumatic stress disorder. Others have sustained permanent disabilities or deformities. They have lost limbs, hearing or eyesight, or their faces have been burned or shot through. Every day, these men and women fight to stay alive.

As Christians, we should pray for the troops who protect us. There are many ways to support them and make them feel like the warriors they are. Consider writing an encouraging letter to a soldier or sending cards to troops on holidays like Memorial Day. Volunteer at a local VFW organization or veterans’ hospital. Donate to organizations that provide wounded veterans with the services and modifications they need.

If you are a Christian serving in the military, take heart from the story of Gideon and other warriors such as David. Read and meditate on these stories. When you feel fear or anxiety, express it to God, and ask Him for courage and strength. Respect the authority of your commanding officers and treat fellow soldiers with dignity and respect. Finally, always remember you are God’s warrior.

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