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Making Time for God

Blessed is the one who always trembles before God, but whoever hardens their heart falls into trouble.

Proverbs 28:14

The one thing that all Christians have in common is their belief in God. Even when opinions and backgrounds may differ, they come together through the Father. Unfortunately, there’s something else that many of them have in common: a claim that they don’t have time for God.

If you ask a Christian how often he or she reads the Bible or prays, you might not get a straight answer. “When I can” is an answer that many people fall back on. This is usually followed by “I’m just so busy with work” or a similar excuse. We get so wrapped up in everyday life that we allow the world to start pushing us away from Christ.

It’s dangerous to not make time for God. You see, anything we do when we should be praying and reading the Bible is something we’re putting ahead of the Lord. Even though it’s almost always unintentional, we’re still setting up idols.

As a Christian, you must make time for God. Research shows that you need to do something 21 to 66 days in a row for it to become habit. So that’s what you’ve got to do with your time for Jesus. Dedicate a few minutes to prayer and Bible study each day. Even if you start out with 10 or 15 minutes, it’s an important first step. Stick with it until it’s a natural thing for you to have time for God.

Today, make time for Him. The next time that you’re absently scrolling through Facebook or lost in the TV, stop entertaining yourself with the world and reach out for the Father instead.

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