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Making the Most of Today

Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care. If only you would listen to his voice today! Psalm 95:6-7

In difficult marriages, we are tempted to wallow in our pain. Each day becomes a rerun of the past. But in God’s economy, each day is an opportunity for change. Do a search for today in the Bible, and you’ll find a long list of occasions when people were presented with a choice. That very day they could choose between following God or turning away, between listening to his voice or ignoring it. (See Psalm 95; Deuteronomy 11:26-27 for just a few examples.for just a few examples) What they did “today” would set the tone for the days to follow. It’s the same for you. All of your life cannot be straightened out today, but if you make the most of it, you can work on cleaning up one corner of your life. Choose a corner that you think is most important right now.

As you clean up the corners of your life day by day, all of life begins to look brighter. You cannot change your spouse? Then change your attitude about your spouse’s behavior. Change your own behavior by confessing past failures. Ask God to help you do one kind deed for your spouse today. You cannot change your spouse, but you can influence your spouse. One act of kindness each day is likely to change the climate in your relationship, and eventually it may influence your spouse to reciprocate.

Never give up. There is always something good that can be done today. Making the most of today is the most powerful thing you can do for a better tomorrow.

Lord Jesus, I know that each day presents a choice. I can concentrate on my past struggles and remain in the same place, or I can choose to make a positive change. Please give me the courage and determination to make the right choices today. May my small steps forward bring our marriage to a stronger, more loving place.

This is an excerpt from: Love Language Minute Devotional

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