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Making Every Moment Count

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Ephesians 5:15- 17

Hunters often use decoys to attract their game. Some set up fake deer and use antler rattling to simulate the sounds of a battle. The dominant deer will quickly come to investigate the potential threat. After all, he has a group of females to protect if he is to create a new generation. Once he sees the decoy, the buck will begin showing signs of dominance. He’ll stomp his hooves and snort. He’ll puff out his chest and hold his head high, showing off the size of his antlers. Unfortunately for the deer, this does two things: it wastes precious energy and puts him in danger. Sometimes, as Christians, we live our lives like this buck. Insignificant matters (that sometimes aren’t even real) make us upset. We lash out with emotion and sometimes even say or do things we regret. Likewise, reacting to little situations can put us in danger of damaging our testimony or pushing people away

from Christ. Instead of reacting to little issues, save your energy for the ones that matter. Instead of spending 15 minutes arguing over a social media post, check in with a relative or friend and pray with him or her. Today, pray for guidance and discernment for situations like these. Spend each moment that you can

making a difference. Concern yourself with the issues that God wants you to and leave the rest to someone else. The time the Lord has given us here on Earth is short. To use it unwisely is to be ungrateful for the gift of the sun rising and the moon setting. Embrace each morning with renewed hope and faith in Christ.

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