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Living Water

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:13-14

Have you ever thought about how much water you use? Over 50 percent of the human body is made up of water, making it essential for life. That’s why physicians encourage us to drink so much of it: to replenish the fluids we lose going through everyday activities. Of all the drinks from which we can choose, water is the only one that quenches our thirst for significant periods. Juices, sodas and other drinks taste good but leave us thirstier than we were before drinking.

Water is also an essential substance for animals, plants and the earth in general. It’s the first thing God created after the heavens, and a plethora of Bible verses mention it, including today’s. Of course, in this verse, Jesus was referring to spiritual water. He calls Himself living water because He is the provider of eternal life and because belief in Him will quench our inner thirst for love, success, appreciation and confidence. However, physical water is just as important to God.

Without a steady supply of clean physical water, you can’t live. That’s why it’s crucial to appreciate the water around you and be a good steward of it. Today, meditate on water when you use it. You can start with this verse and search for other biblical references to water. You’ll find several stories of how water helped people physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Thank God for His provision of water and all it does for you. Make water an essential part of your prayers and devotional time today. Drink it, or hold your devotional time near a brook or pond. In addition, find ways to show appreciation for water today. Turn off faucets when they aren’t in use. Filter your water to ensure it’s clean, and share some with friends and neighbors.

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