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Listening to Our Conscience

Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace. 2 Corinthians 1:12

God never puts us in situations that we are not prepared to handle (at least with some assistance from Him). He offers the right knowledge and spiritual tools to rise up to our challenges, as any good teacher should. As a Christian, God gives us a special guiding hand to help steer our daily decisions in the right direction. This inner sense of balance is our conscience. Conscience is defined as “an inner feeling or voice viewed as a guide to rightness or wrongness.” Everyone has one, and it is programmed differently, depending on the way we’re raised and what we are exposed to. Humans are sinful by nature, and the world around us can increase this. Reading literature, watching movies, and listening to music can all affect our natural conscience (for better or for worse). This inner compass changes, however, once we accept the grace of God. He imparts a piece of the Holy Spirit onto us, and it modifies our conscience for the better. For the first time, can stop and consider how each situation will affect

our new lives in Christ. We get to experience a living influence from God in everyday life. It’s important for Christians to listen to their consciences. This little voice can help you avoid potentially disastrous situations by putting the will of God first. Today, make sure you pay attention to that guiding feeling in your heart. Remember

that God speaks to us in gentle nudges, and your conscience is one of His

favorite tools.

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