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Listening to God

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

Many Bible passages, including today’s, talk about listening to God’s voice. When Christians face dilemmas, they tell each other to ask God for direction and listen to Him. However, God doesn’t speak audibly as often as He did in the Old Testament, so it can be hard to know if you’re hearing from Him or not.

People often describe God’s voice as a “still, small voice” that nudges you in a particular direction. Some people compare it to a conscience, showing you the difference between right and wrong, but it’s more than that. God’s voice not only alerts you to sin, but gives you the opportunity to influence His kingdom. God’s voice might compel you to invite someone to church, say something encouraging, make a purchase or go on a mission trip. Sometimes, the voice will remind you to spend time with God in prayer and Bible study.

Like most undertakings, listening to and hearing God takes practice. Start by building quiet reflection into prayer time. Instead of your prayer needs, focus on what you think God is teaching you. Go over attributes of God, such as His power, grace or healing nature. As you read a Bible passage, ask God what He wants you to learn.

Also, look for opportunities to do what God says, even if you don’t hear anything specific. God might not tell you specifically which charity should get your time or money. However, because the Bible extols charity, you can be confident your decision to invest in a reputable one is in line with His will.

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