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Listening Fairly

In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.

Proverbs 18:17

Many times throughout our lives, we argue and point the finger of blame at others. Confiding in our friends and telling our side of the story may feel like we’re just looking for an open ear to hear our case. However, when the defense cross-examines us, a different story is often told. Today’s verse teaches us to listen to all sides of a story instead of jumping to conclusions and to keep an open mind

and heart.

In many cases, when one person tells a story of how he or she was wronged, the other person comes forward with an entirely different story. In other cases, both parties tell the same story, but the reason for the wrongdoing paints a different picture in the listeners’ minds. For example, say a storeowner tells the story of a woman who came into his store and stole a bag of apples. To the listener, this seems like an obvious crime. However, if the woman explains how the storeowner overcharges her for basic goods, the listener might be more sympathetic.

Think about a time in your life where you failed to listen to both sides of story. It may be hearing about an argument between your children or deciding the fate of an employee under review. Big or small, it’s important to listen to all sides of a situation. It’s easy to assume you’re right about something, but the truth may surprise you. Listen to your neighbors (and your enemies) to appreciate both sides of every story.

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