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Like Sheep

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

Sheep are thought of as friendly, cuddly animals. If you have a baby or young child, you might have painted lambs on the walls of the nursery. Bible story pictures often show Jesus or David lovingly tending sheep. These images can make Christians forget that sheep are also notoriously stubborn and somewhat dumb. They stray even after the shepherd has corrected them. When one goes somewhere dangerous, others follow, even if they can see the peril ahead. Sometimes, the shepherd has to break a sheep’s legs to bring it back to the fold. Few of us end up with broken legs when we sin, but we are quite similar to sheep. We don’t always rebel openly, but we tend to want control and our own way. We think we know what is best for ourselves, so we sometimes make decisions without consulting God. We assume we can’t get hurt, so we do things we know are harmful. As a result, God has to yank us back to the path. In fact, He offered His life, the ultimate sacrificial lamb, so our sin would not end in death. What kind of sheep are you today? Are you following behind the Shepherd, or are you being stubborn and seeking control? Perhaps you’re a new Christian, a lamb in need of guidance. No matter what your position is, don’t be afraid to come back to the Shepherd, even if you have strayed. Repent of sin if it exists, and seek His guidance more. As time progresses, you will be more likely to follow closely than to stray.

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