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Leaving Fear Behind

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

Experiencing fear is, unfortunately, part of the human experience. There are small discomforts and paralyzing terrors and everything in between. Whether or not we will face fear is not determined by our association with Christ. How we react to it and overcome it, however, is. Fear can be paralyzing. It can make us miserable, creating chaos and pain. Unfortunately, it can be destructive for many. These feelings begin as small thoughts or notions and quickly bloom into intense feelings that bring an undesired reaction. Sometimes the reaction is acting out foolishly and damaging our reputation. Sometimes it’s avoiding opportunities to make a difference for the Lord. Either way, we should be aware of the power of fear and work toward not letting it separate us from Christ. No matter how severe your fears are, they can be overcome. The same God who hung the stars gave His Son to die for you, and with that kind of power anything is possible. The first step to conquering your apprehension is turning to the Lord in prayer. Build a relationship with Him and study his Word. Learn of His devotion to you, and you’ll know you never have to face your fears alone. He will carry

them for you. Don’t be afraid to ask a Christian friend for help. The network of brothers and sisters in Christ is your best resource aside from prayers and time meditating in the Word. They will be able to offer advice, but you’ll also have the chance to expand your relationship with them and grow together under God.

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