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Learning to Wait on God

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart, and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 27:14

Waiting often feels like the hardest thing we’re asked to do. It makes us feel anxious and impatient because while we’re waiting, we don’t feel like we’re doing anything truly productive. Since waiting periods can be long, they can drain

our hope. We can give up on the idea that the event we’re anticipating will

ever happen.

Many people in the Bible knew exactly how waiting felt. Sarah and Abraham waited decades to have a child; both were elderly when it finally happened. The Israelites waited generations to be delivered from slavery in Egypt. Israel’s judges waited, seemingly in vain, for an end to Canaanite oppression. Christians continue to wait for Jesus’ second coming.

Perhaps you, too, have waited a long time for God to answer your prayers or give you direction. You might feel foolish for waiting, especially if the people in your life have been telling you to get up and do something. Of course, sometimes God asks us to take steps to get what we want. You should always ask Him if there are specific things you should do during your waiting period. However, if God does not show you anything, be as patient as possible. Keep waiting for Him and don’t let others dissuade you. Find people who will encourage and strengthen you in your waiting, and seek new ways to draw closer to God during this time. That could mean worshipping in a new way, starting a new Bible translation, or taking up a new ministry. Your waiting will be rewarded; don’t give up.

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