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Lay Down Your Burdens

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

We all feel overcome with our personal burdens sometimes. Bearing the hardships of our emotional, physical and financial battles can prove too great for even the strongest of God’s children. Today’s verse offers us a beacon of hope: a promise of rest at the feet of the Lord. The “weary and burdened” encompasses every form of human sorrow and sin. God gives what no one else can: total, absolute rest from our burdens. The burden of sin is perhaps the worst weight we can take on. Guilt can take a toll on you and make everything else around you appear dull. Instead of suffering under the weight of our sin, go to God and lay it at His feet. Jesus can look into our lives and see the innermost depths of our hearts. He sees the toils we suffer and the sorrows that weigh on us every day. The only way to lighten our load and remove our sins is to confide in the Lord. How do we allow God to take our burdens off our shoulders? The answer is through prayer. Asking God to remove your troubles is the only way to find rest at His feet. If something is weighing on your mind today, give it up to God. Say a simple prayer such as, “Let thy will, not my will, be done.” This prayer serves as a reminder that we aren’t in control, even if we think we are. Allow God to work in your life, and find relief in the fact that He alone can remove our burdens.

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