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Justice and Honor

ow Haman thought to himself, “Who is there that the king would rather honor than me?” So he answered. ... “Have them bring up a royal robe the king has worn and a horse the king has ridden. ... Let them robe the man the king delights to honor, and lead him on the horse through the city streets.” Esther 6:6a-9b

We all probably know at least one person who is arrogant and craves honor and power, like Haman. This person may be morally bankrupt and out to hurt those who do the right thing, and yet they receive and expect praise and special privileges from the people in charge. Whether this person is a coworker, a teacher, an activity leader or someone else, dealing with them can be extremely frustrating. In this passage, God reminds us there will be honor and justice for those who honor Him and do what is right. Haman was a conniving and manipulative person. He even manipulated King Xerxes into agreeing to exterminate the Jewish nation because of petty anger at Mordecai. However, Haman was ultimately not the one the king delighted to honor. That privilege went to Mordecai, who not only saved King Xerxes’ life, but also expected no recognition in return. Mordecai is a great example for Christians to follow. If you receive an opportunity like his, don’t boast about it or demand recognition. Instead, do what you are asked or led to do quietly, because you know it is right. Wait for recognition to be offered or for someone else to bring up your good work. If a person like Haman is getting honor and privileges he or she doesn’t deserve, or you are being treated unjustly at their hands, remember this story. Eventually, Mordecai was paraded through the streets like royalty, while Haman was hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai. You may not be treated like royalty, and your adversary probably won’t be killed. However, God will honor your commitment and see your tormentor is made to answer.

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