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Just Ask

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind Him and touched the edge of His cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped... Then He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Luke 8:43-44, 48

We don’t know this woman’s name. Many Bible translations simply call her “the woman with a blood disease” or “a sick woman.” People likely knew her this way, too. They probably knew her name, but thought of her disease first. Some probably forgot her name as years went by, seeing but not acknowledging her. Ancient Jewish law declared the woman unclean, so she couldn’t worship at the temple or associate with others.

The woman was probably depressed and a little bitter. Maybe she felt God had given up on her or feared she’d committed a serious sin that couldn’t be forgiven. She’d spent all she had on doctors and treatments, and still she bled. In light of that, it must’ve taken immense courage to approach Jesus. Notice she doesn’t interact with Him—she simply touches His cloak and tries to drop out of sight.

Jesus noticed her, but not to call her unclean or accuse her of disrupting Him. Instead, He instantly heals her without turning around. Then He does something the woman must’ve found more incredible. He calls her “daughter” and tells her to go in peace because she’s well. How long had it been since someone called this woman “daughter”? Who last acknowledged her existence, much less claimed such a close tie? Jesus did what doctors couldn’t. Yes, He healed her blood disease—but He also touched her soul.

Jesus still heals people physically, emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes we must wait until Heaven for complete physical or emotional healing. Yet spiritual healing that goes soul-deep is instantaneous. If you need it today, ask. Jesus will acknowledge you as His son or daughter and give it. All it takes is one small touch.

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