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Jonah's Anger

But the Lord said ... “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred twenty thousand people, who cannot tell their right hand from their leftand also many animals?”

Jonah 4:10a, 11

When we think of God’s compassion, we normally don’t put anger in the same thought—unless we’re reading about Jonah. Jonah has an interesting reaction to God’s ultimate compassion for Nineveh. Instead of thanking God for sparing the city, Jonah is angry at God’s compassion. In his mind, Nineveh had no right to a second chance. Every inch of it should have been wiped out.

We don’t know why Jonah felt so angry toward Nineveh. Some scholars speculate it was because the people of Nineveh had hurt his own people or even his family. It may also be that Nineveh’s sins so shocked and appalled Jonah that he thought they were unforgivable. No matter His reason though, God sternly responded to Jonah’s attitude. There were thousands of people there, God says, as well as animals who didn’t know what sin was. Shouldn’t He, a merciful God, decide what to do with them?

If we’re honest, we’ll all probably admit we have a Nineveh or two in our lives—it could be the nasty coworker who’s always trying to undermine you in front of the boss. It could be the parent who abused you in childhood, the friend who betrayed you, the spouse who cheated on you or the church whose hypocritical actions broke your heart. No matter who they are or what they did, a part of you doesn’t want them forgiven. In your mind, these people should get what they deserve.

Through today’s verse, God warns us to be careful. Even if you are not guilty of Nineveh-like sins, you are still deserving of wrath. It is only through God’s mercy and grace that you were spared. Remember that, and work up the courage to spare someone today, even if only in your mind.

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