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John's Promise

His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

Luke 3:17

Despite what it may sound like, today’s verse isn’t about wheat and chaff. The Bible often gives metaphors regarding “chaff” as a symbol of the wicked, ungodly and evil of the world. Luke 3:17 is a metaphor in which the oppressors, the false-hearted and the selfish of the world will be separated from the rest (the “wheat”) and destroyed. While this may sound harsh, the metaphor is meant to speak to

the antagonism between good and evil— between the followers and enemies

of Christ.

John the Baptist says that he isn’t Christ, but he confirms that a long-promised Messiah comes and that He will baptize the people with the “Holy Ghost and with fire” (Luke 3:16). While John can baptize the people with water, he humbly assures them that he can’t purify and cleanse the people as the Messiah can. Christ can baptize the people, purifying their hearts as fire clears out the chaff from the threshing floor.

This verse isn’t meant as a threat, but as a reminder that God alone has the power to absolve our sins and remove our guilt—just as He has the power to destroy His enemies. “Unquenchable fire” is the Holy Ghost, working in the souls of Christians like a fire to purge them of their sins and corruptions. As a believer, the fire of the Holy Spirit lives in you.

When you’ve sinned against Christ, go to Him and ask for repentance. Christ will gather the good in you, the wheat, into His barn and burn the rest with the fire of the Holy Spirit. God alone has the power to absolve you of sin. Pray for forgiveness, and He’ll cleanse you as completely as fire clears chaff in a barn.

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