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Jesus' Promise to Us

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on... They will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them. Revelation 14:13

Dealing with the death of a loved one is a terrible hardship. As Christians, we can find a sense of comfort and closure in the promise Jesus gives to us: everlasting life in Heaven. Revelation 14:13 proclaims a blessing on those who die in the Lord. The blessing promises a happy union with Him, rest from earthly toils, and rewards for their faith and labors of love. This verse can go great lengths to console mourners after a death, as it promises it’s not farewell forever. Many times throughout the Scripture, God promises us a life after death. We can take heart in the knowledge that our loved ones’ good works weren’t in vain and that they live happily alongside

the Lord. Although we may lose our earthly possessions when we die, the Lord assures us that we don’t lose our good deeds. This verse reminds us that our lives aren’t about how much wealth we can acquire but about the legacy we create through our actions. The Bible tells us that those who give only to be honored by others have reaped their full reward on Earth, but those who give in secret will find their

reward in Heaven. If you’ve lost a loved one recently, know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord embraced him or her with love. Say a prayer for your loved ones, that the Lord may recognize the good works of their lifetime and reward them in His Kingdom: “Give [Name] eternal rest, O Lord, and may your light shine on him/her forever.”

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