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Jesus Loves the Little Ones

If anyone causes one of these little onesthose who believe in meto stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Matthew 18:6

If you grew up in Sunday school, you’re probably familiar with the song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” One of the first Bible stories you were taught was probably the one about Jesus blessing children even though the disciples were indignant and tried to keep the children from bothering Him. Pastors routinely refer to their congregations as God’s children. Yet, just how highly does Jesus value children, and whom does He consider a child?

Today’s verse can answer both questions well. Jesus values children highly—so highly He will show His full anger in defending them. Bible teacher Beth Moore writes about this in her study Breaking Free. She offers hope to readers who have experienced child abuse, molestation or any other crime, big or small, committed against children. Moore points to Jesus as the ultimate defender of the world’s innocents and invites readers to cast childhood burdens on Him.

However, you don’t have to be a minor for Jesus to consider you a child. Focus on how He qualifies “little ones”—“those who believe in me.” Anyone who is a believer in Christ is also His child. As such, believers have the privilege of considering Jesus Daddy. He unconditionally loves, protects, defends and teaches His children, whether they are physically kids or not.

As an adult, you might feel too old to be considered a child, even God’s child. It might seem like an inordinately long time since you called Jesus Daddy or considered Him a benevolent Papa God. Let yourself be little again today. Climb into His lap and speak to Him as a beloved Daddy. He will be glad you did.

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