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Inquire of God

When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritualists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Isaiah 8:19

Reading horoscopes and following astrology is a popular pastime, even among Christians. Many Christians say, “I don’t take this seriously; it’s just for fun.” Indeed, it might be difficult to find a true Christian who actually plans his or her day according to astrological charts, psychic predictions or tarot readings. However, today’s verse reminds us these activities are not “just for fun.” They are both sinful and dangerous.

Many Christians might consider this harsh, or say that the Old Testament takes too hard a line against people whose beliefs are different. However, in telling Isaiah this, God’s goal was not to be intolerant. Instead, He was warning Isaiah that it’s unwise to trust anyone who relies on anything other than God. In today’s verse, mediums and people like them are described as “whispering and muttering,” not engaging in real communication. God goes on to ask why anyone would consult the dead on behalf of the living, when the dead no longer have anything to do with what goes on in our world.

Not knowing the future is sometimes scary, and it can be tempting to go to a psychic or have your cards read “just this once.” Resist this temptation—run from it if you have to. It can lead to occult activities, and more importantly, it hurts God’s heart. God is all-knowing and the definition of love and wisdom. He wants us to inquire of Him about the future, as well as the past and present. His words are not predictions; they are always true and spoken with your best interest at heart.

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