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In The Beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

he very first verse in the Bible is one many Christians gloss over because it’s so familiar. From the time we enter Sunday school we learn that one of God’s crucial roles is that of Creator. After all, if God had not created the heavens and Earth, we wouldn’t have a planet on which to live.

When was the last time you stopped to think about what this actually means?

Earth is a huge planet, and it’s part of a vast solar system made up of eight more planets, dozens of moons and countless galaxies. We have seven huge continents, five major oceans and the most diverse geography anywhere. For God to make everything, He would have to be more creative than even the best artist, carpenter or writer alive. He would have to be a master creator like no other Furthermore, God could have stopped at creating the heavens and Earth. He didn’t have to create people. We’ve proven again and again our ability to cause Him pain. In Genesis 6, God goes so far as to say He regrets creating humans. Still, He chose to make us and call us His masterpieces. We’re the only creations made in God’s image. We’re the only creations given souls meant to live with Him for eternity.

Genesis 1:1 is an easy verse to skip or skim, but it’s worth meditating on. Perhaps more than any other, this verse gives us a glimpse into both the abilities and heart of God. His heart is to create, mold, teach and love. He did this from the beginning, lovingly crafting a place we could live and enjoy communion with Him. Thank Him today.

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