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Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Matthew 5:6

Hunger and thirst are two of the most basic human needs—two that demand to be fulfilled several times daily. If you’ve ever gone without food or water for a time, you know how miserable it can feel. Your stomach growls and twists. Your throat feels dry. Talking takes too much energy, so you don’t use your voice. If you remain hungry and thirsty for a significant period, you may become malnourished. Your body may become distended, your lips dry, and your hair and nails brittle.

Most of us would never allow our bodies to deteriorate on this level. However, many of us (even Christians) don’t fulfill our needs for righteousness the way we do our needs for food and drink. Over time, we stop craving God. Instead, we fill our minds and lives with empty entertainment and negativity. We avoid church, ministry and Christians because they make us thirsty. We don’t know how to be filled again. We become prone to gossiping, criticizing, complaining and judging.

If you’re hungry or thirsty physically, reach out for food and drink. The same is true for righteousness. If you experience symptoms of a lack of righteousness, ask Jesus to fill you. Determine why you have gone so long without feeding your soul. If it’s sin, don’t hide from God. Confess and receive His mercy. If you’re bored with prayer and Bible reading, shake up your routine. Seek Christian friends who will feed their souls with you and make sure you stay satisfied. Fill your mind with uplifting thoughts and activities.

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