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Hezekiah’s Words

My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense. 2 Chronicles 29:11

After King Solomon’s death, Israel was divided into two kingdoms. King Ahaz, a ruthless and wicked king, cut the articles from the temple in two, set up idolatrous altars and offered his children as sacrifices. King Ahaz’s actions brought the wrath of the Lord down on the people. Ahaz’s son, Hezekiah, became king and followed the Lord. Today’s verse reflects Hezekiah’s words to his people once they worshiped the one true God again. Too often, we’re negligent in our worship of the Lord. Modern Christians in today’s world have a lot on their plates. The world demands more of us than in the past, expecting us to do more, better, faster. In an atmosphere of constant motion, it can be difficult to spend the necessary time on our God. One small step away can lead to more and more steps, until we find ourselves far away from the Lord’s teachings. Regardless of how often we attend church, pray and read the Bible, we may be guilty of being negligent Christians. It’s easy to get engrossed in sins or distractions, becoming like the Israelites under King Ahaz. However, we must actively resist this temptation and offer our hearts to Christ through

genuine worship.

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