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Hesitating in Darkness

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4-5

If you get up in the middle of the night, it can be hard to find your way. Humans don’t see very well in darkness, and as a result, we hesitate. Even though we’re familiar with the layout of our homes, we still stumble through it without the presence of light. Nowadays, many people use their cellphone flashlights to illuminate their paths. This is true on a much grander scale as well. Our world is one of terrible

darkness and sin. We see corruption and hatred every single day. In fact, it seems

like the darkness of the Earth is getting even stronger. The planet is plagued by pollution, hunger, war and death. In an environment like this, it’s no wonder people hesitate, stumble and fall. We can’t tell where we’re going or how far we are from our destination. The only way to see through such turbulent times is by the light of God. He alone is able to light up our paths and make sense of the shadows that plague us. When we turn to Him and ask for guidance, we’ll soon have illumination all our own. Just like our cellphones, we should keep God at the ready. If every Christian took Jesus everywhere they went, can you imagine how much light we could cast into this world? You could stop hesitating in the darkness and show the way for others when they see the love of Christ through you. Today, make sure you have the light of God on hand in this dark world.

Pray and ask Him for guidance and to show you the safest path through our

planet of corruption.

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