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He Knew all the Words

When Nicodemus came to talk with Jesus at night, he wanted more information on being a Christian. Actually, the term “Christian” wasn’t in use yet; it was coined after Jesus died and the church was organized. But Jesus spoke boldly and publicly about the necessity of being born again and experiencing the forgiveness of sins.

As a Pharisee—an important religious leader—Nicodemus thought he’d heard it all. He knew the Scriptures. He obeyed the rules. He went to the temple regularly. He gave offerings and was a kind and considerate man. Yet, as Jesus spoke about eternal life, Nicodemus realized he was missing something.

So he made an appointment to talk with Jesus. He wanted more information. Jesus told him that in order to enter heaven—to gain eternal life—he would need to be born again. Nicodemus didn’t get it. He asked Jesus how it would be possible for a grown man to become a baby again and be born of his mother a second time.

But Jesus wasn’t talking about a physical rebirth. He was talking about a spiritual birth. Though Nicodemus knew a lot about God, he didn’t actually know God personally. Jesus was telling Nicodemus that he needed to come to God in humility, admit his need for a Savior, and seek forgiveness for his sins.

Nicodemus finally understood and became a follower of Christ. Though it was slow, his lifestyle eventually began to reflect his newfound faith. What about you? Do you actually have a personal, growing relationship with the creator of the universe? Or do you simply know a lot about him? It can become easy to settle into a good reputation and develop a good habit of church attendance. But if that’s all our Christianity consists of, we’re lacking a great deal!

Know It!

Head knowledge is great, but it won’t get you into the kingdom of God. You need heart knowledge to have eternal life with Christ.

Read It! Luke 1:77; Acts 4:12; Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 7:10

Pray It!

Ask God to help you evaluate your relationship with him. Are you where you need to be spiritually? Or are you merely “talking the talk” without “walking the walk”?

This is an excerpt from: Devos for Teens

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