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He Is Why We Exist

For in Him we live and move and have our being.

Acts 17:28

Since ancient times, there has been much debate on how we got here and why we exist. Some people believe humans were a cosmic accident. Others believe there’s no true reality—only illusions. Still others understand God created us and loves us, but not that He’s the reason we exist.

Everyone is vulnerable to this line of thinking, even and perhaps especially Christians. That is, ministries, Bible studies, mission trips and other forms of service often distract us. We do all this to please God but forget He doesn’t need us to do anything for Him. He created us as human beings—not “human doings.” Our primary purpose is to find joy in Him and get to know Him.

In our busy world, it’s hard to figure out how to do this. Does it mean shutting yourself in your room and praying 10 hours a day? Does it mean quitting your job in favor of a long-term missionary assignment or moving to a monastery? God has certainly led people to do these things, but they aren’t generally His choice for modern Christians.

Today, “living and moving and having your being” in Christ means acknowledging Him in every facet of your life. It means being diligent and having a good attitude at school or work. It means teaching your kids to be godly, reaching out to others and spending plenty of quiet time alone with God.

Getting to know God can take any form you like. Some people go to a quiet room to complete Bible studies; others prefer to worship God through dancing and singing. Still others write their own poems and psalms. Whatever form you choose, always remember your root purpose: finding joy in God, who created you.

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