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Having a Spiritual Security System

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. Psalm 16:5

One of the most effective ways to protect your business or home is to install an electronic security system. A setup like this provides monitoring for a huge number of problems, from carbon monoxide poisoning to burglary. In reality, our physical being is not the only aspect under attack. Most assaults actually come from the spiritual realm, as the devil tries to hurt us and steal our joy. If you would buy protection for your home, why not invest in some security for the most important aspect of your existence – your soul? Building a personal relationship with Jesus is the only way to prepare yourself for the attacks that the enemy is guaranteed to make. This level of intimacy with the Lord is often enough to scare off the devil, and in essence eliminate a huge portion of your problems. Even when the attacks can’t be prevented, having God on hand and close by is the healthiest and most effective way to get through a hard time. Your spiritual security system should also include a support network, just as home monitoring services can contact authorities. Other Christians can help guide you through whatever struggles you face. Depression, pain, guilt, anxiety ... none of these is a match for the love and glory of God and His children. Today, evaluate your security system. Are you protected from attacks by the devil? If he does strike at you, do you have the proper support group and intimacy with God to get through it? After all, there’s no greater investment than your soul.

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