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Handmade Treasure

The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4

When you visit county fairs or auctions, do you notice the value people place on handmade things? Items like quilts and paintings are much more desirable than articles that are mass produced. Production lines can actually be very efficient and successful, but there is something sentimental about owning an object created by the hands of another person. Do you know that you have the same wonderful value? You are fearfully and wonderfully made, directly by the hands of God. Even though there are 7

billion people on the planet, there is no one quite like you. It can be easy to

think of ourselves as insignificant, because the world is so large, but we are precious to Him. Throughout the Bible, God tells us repeatedly of our worth. In Matthew, we see that He is acutely aware of every sparrow, and He ensures that each one is cared for. We’re also told that each of us is far more valuable than many of the little birds and, therefore, taken better care of. The maker of the universe knows precisely how many hairs are on your head. He knows your thoughts and dreams (perhaps even better than you know them). If you struggle with your sense of self-worth, know that you are nothing short of a treasure in God’s eyes. Today, take a moment to appreciate your own value. The struggles of life make it easy to forget just how important you are. You are unique, priceless and deserving of happiness.

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