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Hall of Fame for the 'Lasts'

Ever thought being last would have a place in history? Betcha didn’t know . . .

  • the twentieth president of the United States, James Garfield, was the last president born in a log cabin. The year was 1831, and the place was Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

  • there are 773,692 words in the King James Bible. The very last word is “Amen.” The sentence preceding it? “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all” (Revelation 22:21).

  • that John Clayton, Jr., Lord Greystoke, was the childhood name of Tarzan.

  • Amelia Earhart’s last contact with the Coast Guard was on July 3, 1937.

  • the last words of Julius Caesar were, “Et tu, Brute?”

  • the last United States president to weigh more than 300 pounds was President William Taft, who tipped the scales at 332 pounds.

  • the last episode of The Brady Bunch was titled “The Hair-Brained Scheme” and was televised on March 8, 1974.

  • if Dorothy—of The Wizard of Oz—had a last name. She did. Dorothy Gale.

  • the last of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—known as the U.S.S.R.—happened in 1992 when it broke up into 15 independent countries.

  • the last letters added to the English alphabet? J and V.

  • the last face carved on Mount Rushmore was Theodore Roosevelt’s.

  • the last time tug-of-war was an official game in the Olympics: 1920. Great Britain won the gold, Holland won the silver, and Belgium took home the bronze.

  • Alice of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland didn’t have a last name. But the book was written in honor of Lewis Carroll’s friend Alice Liddell.

  • Telosphobia: The fear of being last.

As you can see, sometimes our last words, last names, and last moments can become historic. Have you ever thought of what your last words, last attitude, and last characteristic to be remembered by will be?

This is an excerpt from: Devos for Teens

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