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Greed and Posessions

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. Ecclesiastes 5:10

SALE! During the holiday season, many people throw their manners and caution to the wind in favor of savings ... savings on possessions they likely don’t need. It is a day fueled by greed and selfishness. There is nothing wrong with searching for a bargain, of course, but we must be extra careful to show restraint on this day. Each year, sales are getting earlier and earlier. Greed is poisoning the holiday devoted to gratefulness. If you’re considering going to these sales, take time to pray to God first. Ask Him what He wants you to do with that time. How will you influence your family if you forsake time with them in search of lower prices? This is especially important to consider when you have young children, since they are so easily impressionable. Even our smallest actions can influence them in big ways, and as a Christian, Thanksgiving should be properly honored. An alternative is to do your shopping online. You can avoid the angry crowds and long lines while spending more time at home with your family and friends. You can even complete your purchases quickly and quietly—the rest of your family doesn’t have to know you “went shopping.” Today, carefully consider the effect your actions have on others. If you choose to join the shopping crowds, do so responsibly and with grace.

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