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Goodwill, Not Gossip

No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

Psychologically, people are compelled to try to feel better about themselves. Unfortunately, the most common way to do this is to put others down. That may seem like an easy thing to avoid, but slander can be very sneaky. More importantly, it can be dangerously comfortable. One of the biggest problems with gossip is that we like to label it as something else. “Letting off steam” or “voicing our concerns” are two ways we cover up the truth. Sometimes we’ll give unnecessary information during prayer requests or by “telling it like it is.” Giving it a title that seems more acceptable, however, is nothing but an invitation for trouble. Throughout the Bible, there are nearly 15 different mentions of gossip. None of them are positive. Gossip is generally listed alongside sins we tend to see as more serious, such as greed and murder. And yet we continue to spread tales and tear each other down. Remember that when someone gossips it is detrimental to his or her spirit, too. Whenever you’re talking with other people today, stop and think before you speak. Ask if the information pertains to you at all or if you’re simply sharing it to make conversation. Even if it’s a matter that you’re involved in personally, consider how it could change the other person’s view of someone else. Be cautious in what you say, and turn to a positive topic instead when you have the urge to gossip. The best way to build a kingdom in Christ is to build up each other and exemplify His

perfect love.

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