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God's Abundant Blessings

To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.

Jude 1:1-2

he highest glory any one of us can strive to aspire to is to be “loved in God” and “kept for Jesus Christ.” Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, calls Christians to higher and better things than those who reject Christ. God’s mercy is a fountain of all the good we can ever hope for: a living well of mercy, peace and love. Today’s verse reminds us that walking with Christ is the way to obtain God’s love and mercy.

Christians’ lives can be full of these three things in abundance. Both weak and strong believers in God can enjoy the three most important blessings in the world. Mercy pardons our sins, peace gives us acceptance with our fellow men and in our own consciences and love is the vehicle through which all things are possible. Christ multiplies these things within His believers.

God gives His loving grace to us freely each day. He casts His love over all of us and wants us to feel the fullness of His joy. Look at things God has created on Earth: the grass under our feet and the stars in the sky. God has a purpose for each and every one of His creations, including you. In our darkest times, we can call upon the Lord for mercy, peace and love.

If you’re feeling lost, call on God for the blessings He freely gives you. We often get too caught up in our daily lives and struggles to feel the mercy, peace and love that’s our right by Jesus Christ. It’s ours in abundance, whenever we ask for it. Take time today to focus on the good things God has given us, and appreciate the endless blessings we have through our faith in Him.

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