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God of Hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Hope is a familiar word for Christians, but most of us don’t know exactly what it means. Sometimes we equate hope with wishful thinking, as in “I hope I get the job I applied for” or “I hope I get married someday.” In this verse, Paul wants to remind us that hope is more than wishing for what we want. We’re meant to overflow with hope, as the Holy Spirit gives it to us.

What does to overflow with hope mean? Not all circumstances are hopeful, and not all situations end in a hopeful manner. There’s a clue in the first part of this verse. Paul tells the Romans that he prays that the God of hope also fills them with peace and joy. These are fruits of the Spirit available to every Christian. If you don’t feel peace or joy in your current situation, ask God for an extra measure. Peace and joy will often naturally lead to hope.

Remember that hope isn’t happiness. Cancer treatments, painful divorces and other such situations are never happy. However, you can find hope in the midst of them. Hope comes from knowing who your God is and what He can do. God promises to bring good out of all situations for those who love Him. Additionally, He promises comfort to broken or hurting people many times in the Bible. Ask God to remind you who He is and what He can do in your situation. You may not receive the answers you thought you wanted, but often God shows us a better solution – one we weren’t expecting. Place your hope in the person of God and the path He will show you.

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