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God Knows the Truth in Your Heart

His eyes are on the ways of mortals; he sees their every step. There is no deep shadow, no utter darkness, where evildoers can hide. God has no need to examine people further, that they should come before him for judgment. Job 34:19-22

It can be very frustrating to clean a dog. First, you spend money on grooming supplies, such as shampoos and specialized brushes. Then you’ve got to get Fido into the shower or washtub. This can be an exercise in itself if Fido is large. Once he or she is restrained, you’re still faced with bathing, rinsing, drying and brushing them before your work is done. The worst part, though, is when you open the back door and your dog sails right into the first mud puddle or pile of dirt he can find. Why do dogs do this? Because it’s in their nature. Dogs love smelly things and rolling around outside. It simply is a part of their species. Likewise, people will revert to their true natures at the earliest convenience. It doesn’t matter if you clean up every Sunday and take your spot in the front row. What matters are the true feelings within your heart. Our entire nature is rerouted when we’re born again through Jesus Christ. Our souls yearn for more interaction with God and to be more like Him. The flesh, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to return to the ways of the world. It can be easy to revert to our old selves, but it is not good. The only way to reach others is to follow Christ to the best of our abilities and let his guidance make those big changes in our lives. Look at your nature. Would someone who met you on Friday night know you were a Christian? What about your coworkers? People will take notice of the true feelings in your heart, so make sure that they are pulling you in the right direction.

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