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God Is Sufficient

For in him all things were created: things in Heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16

We live in a culture of more. We’re trained from an early age not to be satisfied with anything we have. The media and our social interactions repeatedly tell us that we’re simply not good enough. It tells us, instead, that our stomachs should be flatter and our teeth whiter. We should have perfect hair to match our perfect fashion sense. We’re not validated unless we have sprawling homes and a garage full of vehicles to show off. But none of this is true. The world will always look for ways to steal our joy and confidence. It will overwhelm us with goals that are simply unobtainable. We’ll constantly be compared to other people ... and it’s all okay. The world is wicked, and there is no hope to save it. But with a personal relationship with Christ, you’ll find that the requirements of the world are not important. Our souls are designed to need Jesus. He’s the final piece of the puzzle—one that cannot be replaced by anything else. When you know God, you know the purest and most powerful joy that man can feel. You also come to know that He is more than sufficient. There is no need to compete in the ways of the world when your heart is full of acceptance and perfect love. Today, take time to re-prioritize your life. Are you wasting energy chasing the dreams of this world? It’s the nature of the flesh to do so, but when you focus on your spirit, you’ll see that you already have everything you need.

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