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God Is Love

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8

God is the epitome of love. Some people think love is only part of His nature, but in reality it is the very foundation of His existence and our relationship with Him. Consider the sacrifice that was made when Jesus came to Earth. The Father sent His only son to death, just so we might live. The son came without a moment’s hesitation and carried out His purpose. He endured immeasurable pain and embarrassment just to save the souls of sinners like us. At any moment, He could have called down a legion of angels to take Him from the cross and wipe out His persecutors ... but He didn’t. He hung beside those two thieves until His last breath faded in His lungs. Only pure love could compel Him to sacrifice His perfect life to grant eternity to sinners like us. Because God IS love, God gives love. He covers all who come to Him with His grace and gives abundant life. However, our human nature sometimes misconstrues the meaning of love. People are frequently under the impression that loving someone means doing everything for them or perhaps going to incredible lengths to prevent their discomfort. God’s love is much purer than that; God’s love is fair. It is created in justice and righteousness and not the selfish ways of man. He did not promise that our lives would be perfect, but instead that we would be perfectly loved. Today, take time to realize just how loved you are. Always know that Jesus cares enough to die for you, despite your mistakes and shortcomings.

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