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God is Able and Willing

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory...

Ephesians 3:20-21

“Immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” That’s quite a promise, isn’t it? Of course, we know intellectually God can do anything and everything. He is God, far more equipped and able to do anything people can. Yet, verses like this one continually amaze us. Maybe it’s because sometimes we pray for God to do something but don’t really expect an answer. Maybe it’s because while we know God is able to do what we ask, we wonder if He is willing.

This is a question all Christians face at one time or another. They pray constantly, but their circumstances don’t change. Instead, they continue to struggle for physical and emotional survival. Maybe you’ve been there. Your circumstance might be a church without a pastor, a grim diagnosis, a prodigal child, or something equally as daunting. No matter what it is, you may wonder why God doesn’t answer your cries if He is able to do so.

God’s sovereignty plays a big role in dealing with this question and the promise of today’s verse. That is, God is able to do anything but in His love, He allows Himself to do what is best for us. Like any good parent, He sometimes withholds what we want because He can see a bigger and better picture.

If God seems slow in answering your pleas for help, tell Him how you feel; He wants your honesty. Then ask Him to show you the depth of His sovereignty

and love. He’ll give you the strength to deal with what you must. What seems

like a tangled mass of threads will eventually become a beautiful tapestry of your faith journey.

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