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God and Inclusion

Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:14

At first glance, it seems the Bible has little to say about disabilities. Jesus healed many disabled people, but with the exception of blind Bartemeus, they are not named, nor are they seen after their healings. The Bible also uses terminology that many modern disabled people and their advocates consider offensive, such as “crippled,” “lame,” or “dumb” (in reference to those who cannot speak). The Bible’s writers did not mean to offend. This was simply how disability was viewed in their day. Does that mean that God sees people with disabilities as lesser beings? Today’s verse tells us no. In fact, it indicates God deals harshly with those who mistreat or exclude people based on disability. He specifically references causing the blind to fall and cursing the deaf, pointing out that this is taking cruel advantage of these people. We can infer God feels the same way about other disabilities—that those who have them should be loved and respected as equals. Most Christians and churches try to do this as best they can, but their members with disabilities still sometimes feel segregated. Often, this is because disabilities make people uncomfortable, or they aren’t sure how to interact. Keep today’s verse in mind next time you encounter a person with a disability. Speak directly to him or her, even if the person can’t speak back. Show interest in their lives, and communicate that they are valuable to you and to God. When the opportunity presents itself, find ways for people with disabilities to participate in your activities. Instead of causing these people to stumble, you will be helping them live a full and rich life.

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