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Given What to Say

But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Matthew 10:19-20

Christians around the world are regularly arrested, imprisoned, tortured and killed for their faith. To own a Bible is illegal in at least 51 countries. The Voice of the Martyrs recently published a book titled I Am N, the collected testimonies of persecuted Christians across Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Today’s verse is likely dear to those believers. In the West, it is unlikely any of us will be arrested for our faith, let alone killed. However, Jesus never inspired anything to be put in the Bible without a reason. He knew His disciples would face this challenge and that other Christians would too, for centuries. Jesus also knew that persecution doesn’t have to take the form of imprisonment and torture. American Christians are more likely to experience verbal or psychological persecution. They may be falsely accused or lose their jobs for living out their faith. They may face verbal abuse that can turn into physical aggression or violence. Today’s verse applies to all forms of persecution. Jesus wants to assure us that we need not be worried about challenges to our faith. He promises to give us what to say and do when we need it, as well as the strength and grace to endure. Persecution is not right, and if you can seek justice, you should do so. However, do not be afraid to submit to persecution as Jesus did. Jesus sees your suffering and empathizes—He did no less when crucified. He is proud of your stand and will honor it.

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