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Christmas in July

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.

Luke 2:11

July’s arrival signals our calendar is more than halfway to Christmas. Many people celebrate what they call Half-Mas with “Christmas in July.” Networks like Hallmark play Christmas movies, and keepsake ornaments appear on store shelves. Some people host Christmas or winter-themed parties to take their minds off summer heat, humidity and bugs. In a struggling economy, many retailers often put out their Christmas decorations much earlier than normal.

While a Christmas in July party is fun, you don’t need decorations and carols to celebrate every day of the year. Sometimes all you need is a timely reminder such as today’s verse. Most Christians are so used to hearing about Jesus’ time on Earth that they don’t stop to think about His humanity. Jesus was fully human. Like all of us, He started life as a helpless baby. He gave up Heaven to be born in cramped, smelly conditions—for us.

Outside the Christmas season, Christians often skim over Jesus’ birth. We want to jump straight to the crucifixion and resurrection, which we consider the most important parts of the story. However, Jesus, the best Author in the world, never skimps on details. Since His birth was included in the Bible, it must be crucial.

The Bible doesn’t give us many details on Jesus’ babyhood or childhood. Yet what’s there reminds us of a powerful truth. None of us can accomplish our adult tasks unless we’re born, and we aren’t born without God’s hand. Today, meditate on Jesus’ birth and how it changed the world. Then meditate on yours. Thank Jesus that He was born and allowed your birth. Celebrate Christmas in July and all the time.

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