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Fixing Boredom in Christianity

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Hebrews 6:12

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing our youth? Sex? Drugs? Sociologists say that boredom is the greatest problem. A lack of purpose leads people to making poor decisions—many times, just because they can. The infamous Hampton Beach Riots of 1964, for example, shook New Hampshire. There were hundreds of arrests and injuries, plus property damage and social upheaval. A large portion of those involved offered a rather unsettling answer when asked why they did it: “Just for the hell of it.” Being bored means not having a purpose or meaning for your time and actions. As a Christian, bored is the last thing we should be. The creator of the universe sacrificed His son to save you, because He dearly loves you. He has orchestrated an intricate plan just for you, and you have a divine purpose. If you’re feeling bored, it means you’re wasting the potential that He knows you have. Fixing Christian boredom begins with prayer and supplication. You need to ask God to show you your purpose and the direction He wants you to go in to serve Him best. A good way to freshen your resolve is by abstaining or fasting. Even this small sacrifice for God can help you get back on track and reorganize your priorities. Spend time in the word. Oftentimes, Christ will use the Bible to speak to us and change our situations. Today, ask yourself if you’re feeling bored with your Christianity. If the answer is yes, then it may be time to rearrange your life. There is a way that you can use your idle time to help God—you just have to find it.

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