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First Love

Yet I hold this against you: you have forsaken the love you had at first.

Revelation 2:4

Jesus speaks today’s verse to the church in Ephesus. It seems like a simple message, but what does He mean? Just a few verses before, He praises the Ephesus church for its perseverance, good deeds and discernment. Why, then, does He admonish the members here—and why does He say they’ve forsaken their first love? Shouldn’t Ephesus’ deeds prove this church loves Jesus?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated, but it’s simpler than it looks. Jesus does expect His people to bear fruit and is pleased when we do. Throughout the Bible, though, Jesus (as well as the writers He inspired) warns us that works aren’t enough to advance our faith. We must focus on the Person of Christ. Unlike other religions, Christianity isn’t about what we do for God. It’s about what God has done and continues to do for us.

Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when He spoke to Ephesus. The church members had plenty of evidence that they loved Him, but their focus strayed. Maybe the members were so caught up in activity and religion that they forgot to appreciate who Jesus is. Maybe you’re experiencing something similar as you struggle to be the perfect Christian.

Jesus urges you to stop striving so hard. Instead, go back to “the love you had at first.” Ask yourself when you last prayed and thanked Jesus for some of His specific traits or anything specific He has done for you. If it’s been a while, do so now. Ask Jesus to restore your first love and the joy of your salvation.

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