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Finding God's Joy in Your Life

You are worthy, our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.

Revelation 4:11

Today’s verse overflows with joy. You can almost hear the angels and the saints praising God in Heaven, reminding Him how worthy He is of our honor and love. Reading verses like this often fills us with joy and inspires us to look for God’s presence around us. God rejoices when we take such delight in His word.

However, sometimes finding joy is difficult or impossible, no matter what verses we read. Since our world is filled with sin, it often feels like a dim and hopeless place. Christians aren’t immune to a lack of joy, particularly if circumstances don’t lend themselves to it.

At one time or another, we’ll all find ourselves in serious situations that seem to lack God’s joy. This could be an unsaved loved one whose behavior is destructive, a devastating diagnosis, a miscarriage, a disability or any number of other circumstances. However, God wants us to cling to Him in these times and find His joy. Here are a few ways to experience this:

• Worship. Most people equate worship with singing, which you can do. Yet you can use any other talent, such as writing, cooking or painting to worship God. Hebrews talk about bringing a sacrifice of praise to Him. Do so, and meditate on joyful verses as you do.

• Reach out. Find a trusted friend or clergy member to share your burdens and offer to share those of others. Help someone in a physical way—write a letter or give a hug.

• Get some fresh air. Sometimes joy can be hard to find if you’re cooped up inside. Take a walk or a drive and notice the beauty of God’s creation.

• Spend time with family and friends, doing lighthearted activities. Isolation brings loneliness, but socializing can increase joy.

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