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Filling Physical Needs

If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

James 2:16

James, Jesus’ brother and a devout believer, had no problem stepping on Christians’ toes to share his message. Today’s verse is a perfect example. It challenges Christians on a pressing issue within the church and our personal circles. We often commit to praying for others. We wish them peace and blessings. Yet we aren’t as attentive as we could be to physical needs. In some cases, Christians become so concerned about others’ souls that they completely ignore tangible needs.

This is a sin, but an easy one to fall into. Jesus speaks often about Heaven, hell and eternal life in the Gospels. Heaven is such a wonderful hope for Christians and hell is so horrific that we should be concerned about others’ salvation. If the person you share the Gospel with is impoverished, sick or hurting, though, he or she is far less likely to hear and respond to your message.

When ministering to someone, balance your response to his or her physical and spiritual needs. Whenever possible, meet the physical needs first. If you know your neighbor’s kids need warm coats for school, supply them from a charity, local store or your own closet. When visiting a sick friend in the hospital, ask what you can do to help him or her feel better. Maybe you can bring a favorite food, read to them or help them shower or bathe. Once you meet physical needs, you can offer to pray or open a conversation about God. The person will probably be more receptive, and both of you will walk away blessed.

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