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Fighting a Beaten Foe

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double- edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

People like to place bets. Humans love to take a chance on gaining something just for being right, whether it’s horseracing or UFC fights. The biggest battle in the world is “rigged,” so to speak. We know that choosing Jesus is choosing the winning team. To overcome the devil, we must recognize that he is God’s enemy and that God has already defeated him. The Father sent His son as a living sacrifice for our salvation. Although the crucifixion of Christ may have seemed like a win for the devil, Christ’s resurrection provided us the ultimate victory. When our Lord bowed His head and said, “It is finished,” our triumph over Satan was complete. Ultimately, we have won the war. This reassurance should help us as we face the daily battles, the temptations and struggles. The devil seeks to steal our joy, to discourage us, to cause us to question our faith. As Christians, we must resist Satan. The Bible says he will flee from us if we do. And how do we resist this enemy? Our weapon is God’s word. When the devil tempted Christ, Jesus’ response was to wield scripture like a “sword.” That is why it is important to study and memorize God’s word. Today, take the time to celebrate that your fate is already won. We can have triumph over the devil, simply by believing in Jesus and accepting Him as our savior. After all, everyone likes an easy bet.

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