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Feeling Compassion

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. ... And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. 1 John 4:7,21

Most Christians find it easy to love God. Once you are saved, you are certain He has a purpose for you. We feel Him tugging at our hearts and helping to guide our decisions along the right paths. We sing His praises and come together in large groups just to give Him glory. Our entire culture as a church is based on honoring our heavenly Father. While it is wonderful and necessary for us to care for God this way, it is not our only obligation. None of us are worthy of the glory of God. We are all sinners, and we fall short of our potential every day. Despite that, Jesus overlooked our shortcomings and sacrificed His life to save us. He knew every person has potential and every person deserves compassion. The entire mission of Christianity is to be more Christ-like to bring people to the Gospel. Love is the very foundation of the Lord and if we don’t extend it to others, we are not correctly doing our job. There are all sorts of events and tragedies across the globe that call for sympathy. We should always have compassion for fellow man. This is especially true for

those who have views that oppose our own. We cannot win people to the

kingdom of God by pushing them away; we must draw them nearer with love

and understanding. Today, take time to pray that God will give you greater compassion. Ask Him to let you see other people of the world as He does – imperfect, but made in his image and deserving of love.

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