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Family Faith

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

2 Timothy 1:5

Paul’s protégé Timothy did not have to come from a strong faith background. In fact, it would have been easy for him to be confused about which faith to follow. Timothy’s mother was Jewish and his father was Greek, so Timothy grew up hearing about two separate belief systems. Despite this, Paul indicates Timothy was grounded in Jesus Christ.

Paul credits Timothy’s family for this strong faith. Apparently, Lois and Eunice were diligent in teaching Timothy who Christ was from an early age. By the time Paul met Timothy, he was ready to be mentored. He learned well, eventually becoming Paul’s trusted ministry partner. Paul even dedicates two New Testament letters to him, asking Timothy to be by his side in the last days of his life.

Any child can become like Timothy if his or her family shows the same dedication as Lois and Eunice. Additionally, you don’t have to be a “super Christian” to help the children in your life grow spiritually strong. Simply show them who Jesus is in your words and actions. Read and discuss Bible stories with them. Teach them to pray by doing it together as a family. Tell your children about the character of God, and give examples of how He is present in their everyday lives.

What if you’re a new Christian or your family doesn’t have faith as a legacy? Rejoice, because you can be the one to start a new era. Your branch of the family can be the first to fully embrace Jesus and raise faithful children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Seek mentors to help you and press on— you’ll be rewarded.

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