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Facing Each Day with Humility

Has he shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:7-8

Our world is one of constant competition. People race to have the newest technology, the best house and the most impressive job. We aspire to be better than our neighbors, better than our friends and family. We chase possessions and envy the accomplishments we see from others. Jealousy fuels pride; pride pushes us farther away from our brothers and sisters in Christ. This makes it harder to reach out to sinners—harder to spread the Gospel and show people the true love

of Jesus. This is why the Lord teaches us to be humble. In Micah, God is angry with the Israelites for their lack of honesty and justice. He led them safely from Egypt with prosperity in mind, and yet they turned their backs on Him. You see, Israel became preoccupied by the things that did not matter—temporary pleasures. They abandoned their humility. When we are born again through Jesus Christ, our lives are no longer about us. In exchange for eternity, we pledge our lives to the service of the Lord. When we become boastful and proud of our earthly possessions and accomplishments, we’re putting them above God. His love and His grace far surpass anything of this world, and they should be the things for which we are most grateful. Today, take time to be thankful for what you have been given instead of being boastful. Do not compare your life to others; signs of wealth do not show richness of spirit. Instead, offer love and compassion as you walk each day.

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